
  • When you get old, you’ll understand the value of honoring elders

    dzehranahs dzehree bahdeevuhn eemahnas

    Those desiring greatness must develop modesty and self-discipline in personal life and genuine respect for others. A youth cannot measure correctly the value of experience that comes with old age. But as a person ages, he is able to understand the difference between callow youth and seasoned maturity that recognizes the value of careful consideration of consequences of one’s actions.

    The wisdom of an elder can be invaluable for a youth to learn early in life. Many time people say, “If I only knew when I was young what I know now in my old age.”

  • The gravity of the earth is so strong that the old grey man walks crooked.

  • When there is a new born chick everyone says jewjew jewjew (or makes affectionate sounds), but, for the old hens, they say get going, push harder, work faster

    Nor haveroun jewjew guh sen, heen haveroun kuhsheh kuhsheh

    This proverb expresses the fact that people are somewhat affectionate toward children, but summarily order old people to do things.

  • Old age is not worth five cents

    Dzeroutoun hink cent chi arzerh

    My mother often said this in her old age. Old age is just a headache of sickness, pain, frustration and death. It’s not worth five cents. Earnest Hemingway, the author, decided to commit suicide when he aged. His body could no longer do the things he loved most which included going on safaris, accompanying conquering armies, drinking and love affairs, and his mind was not able to concentrate on writing because of his paranoia and frustration. One morning in 1962 he killed himself with a shotgun.

    I have written a song is Armenian that speaks of growing old.


    Dzerhoutiyoun dzerhoutiyoum
    votch mee martoum chee harkoum

    Old age, old age, doesn’t respect any man

    Sourp keerk ouneem hoyiss ounem
    Verchabes maahem azadem

    I have the holy book and a great hope
    that in the end I will be delivered delivered from death
    (meaning saved by the Lord)

    Seerdis vrrah yar muh gah
    Yaris heesem latz gou kah

    There is a hard rock in my heart

    Yaris merav heratzav
    giankus miayn seerdi tzav

    My dearest love departed (died)
    life is just a heartache (now)

    dareeneruh soohud antzan
    mazerus germak yeghan

    The years pass so quickly
    my hairs have become white

    parehgamneerus mahahtzan
    ov keedeh yerp yes gertam
    My friends have died
    who knows when I will also go

    mahen arach artunnam
    acckuss paatz asduhvasdz dessnam

    Before death, let me awaken
    Open my eyes and see God

    Dhereen khosgk togh eem ogh uhlee
    Aganchis misht vayehlee

    Let God’s word hang on my ears like an ear ring
    and decorate my ears handsomely

    Khrad luhseh mee heeranal
    Mahuh uhnmisht guh modenah

    Listen to my advice
    please don’t go away
    Death is always so near

    Kuhloughit vurrah jagadakhir
    Abakayheen mudadzeer

    Our destinies are written on our forehead
    (in other words death is inevitible)
    Therefore think of your certain future (or fate
    and act responsibly)