
  • The impossible is not possible. What is possible will come to pass. The cart cannot travel on water nor the ship on land.

    uhngahreleen gahrellee cheh yehv gahrelleen nuhgahdellee gullah. gahrkuh choureen vuhrah chehrtah, yehv votch nahvuh hoghee jahpoun vurrah

  • That is not work, it is iron-like leblebi (roasted chickpeas)

    kordz cheh, yergateh leblebi eh

    yergateh leblebi (literally, ironhard roasted chickpeas) was a phrase that conveyed the meaning that something is very difficult or impossible.
    Just like eating chickpeas that are as hard as iron balls would be impossible, so any task compared to eating iron chickpeas means that it is impossible.

  • He who does not see (implies the blind man) has come to see

    ahndehsuh dehss eh yehgheer

    This proverb is an ironic and contradictory statement. One who never sees has come to see. How can a person who cannot see, come to see? Therefore, such seeing is a hoax. Further, it conveys the meaning that a person may choose to take an interest in a subject but never really concentrate to understand it. It expresses sarcasm of people who are generally apathetic, but for some reason they decide to take a cursory interest in a subject of current interest but without any commitment or serious attention

  • Doesn’t exist (or impossible) does not exist in this universe

    Chee gah askhark cheh yehgher

    Another meaning of this proverb is, “There is nothing that has not happened in this world.” In English one can express this as, “Impossible is a word in the fool’s dictionary.” Alternately, there is nothing new under the sun.

  • Trying to force two feet into one shoe

    Yergou vodkuh meg vodkitz khotel

    This proverb is used when someone tries to force conditions on another that are impossible to satisfy.