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- Anger
- Animal slaughter
- Anxiety
- Apology
- apricot
- Argue
- Armenian Alphabet
- Armenian Church
- Armenian herbs
- Armenian qualities and character traits
- Armenian Sayings
- Arrogant
- artisan
- Ass
- Association
- Attention
- Bald
- Bible
- Birds
- Blind
- Bravery
- Bribery
- Bride and her wisdom
- Brother
- Camel
- Careful
- Cause and Effect
- Caution
- Character Flaws (Fatal Flaws)
- Charity
- Cheating
- Choose a wife
- Cleaver
- Common Sense
- Compassion
- Con artist
- Conceit
- Convert (Religious)
- Cooperation
- Corruption
- Coward
- Crazy
- critics (criticism)
- Crow
- Curse
- Curse on Armenian People
- Daughter
- Deaf
- Death
- Debt
- Deception
- Desire
- Desperate
- Destiny
- Determination
- Devastation
- Devil
- Disloyal
- Disregard
- Disrespectful
- Dissatisfaction
- disunity
- divided we fall
- Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
- Doctor
- Dog
- Dreams
- Drown
- Eagle
- Education
- Eggs
- Elders
- Eloquence
- Embarrass
- Embarrass
- Enemy
- Envy
- Evil
- Evil Eye
- Exorcism
- Experience
- Expert
- Failure
- Faith
- Fame
- Familarity (breeds contempt)
- Family
- Fasting
- Fate
- Father
- Fault
- Faultfinding
- Fear
- Fight
- Flattery
- Flies
- Flowers
- Follow the crowd
- Food
- Fool
- Foolishness and Blind following
- Foresight
- Forgiveness (Paying For)
- Fortune (see Misfortune)
- Fox (and and his loyal followers)
- Friends
- Fright
- Frugality
- Frustration
- Generosity
- God
- Gold
- Good deeds
- Good wishes
- Gossip
- Greediness
- Guilty
- Gurdjieff sayings
- habit and tendenacy
- Happiness
- Headache
- Health
- Hearing (Learning)
- Heart
- Helpless
- Hesitation
- Home
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- Honesty(Honor one's promise)
- Honey
- Honor
- Hope
- Hopeless
- Hovhaness Toumanian
- Human nature
- Humility
- Hunchback
- Ignorance
- Impatience
- Impossibility
- Inattention
- Incompetent
- Incremental
- Ingratitude/Injustice
- Initiative (lack of)
- Insulting phrases
- Intellect
- Intoxication
- Irony
- Jealousy
- Joke
- Judgement
- Justice
- Karma
- Kindness
- Knowledge
- Lateness
- Laughter
- Laziness
- Leader
- Learning (See Hearing)
- Liar
- Lies
- Life
- Lion
- living within one's means
- Love
- Loyalty
- Lust
- Manhood
- Marriage
- Meat (eating)
- Mercy
- Mind
- Miser
- Misery
- Misfortune
- Mistakes
- Money
- Mother
- Nation
- Nature
- Negativity
- Neighbor
- Nemesis
- Nervous
- Non Violence
- Nosey
- Objectivity
- Observation
- Obstruction
- Old age
- One in a thousand
- Oneness (real and false)
- Opinions
- Opportunist
- Parochial
- Patience
- Peer pressure
- persuade
- Pigs
- Politicians
- Poverty
- prayer
- Premonition
- Pretension
- Pride
- Problems
- Protection
- Proverb
- Proverbs
- Prreparation
- Prudent
- Punishment
- Purity
- Ransom
- Rare
- Relationship
- Relatives
- Reputation
- Resentment
- Respect
- Revenge
- Ridicule
- Rogues
- Rooster
- Sacrifice
- Saroyan
- Satan
- Satisfaction
- Science and Religion
- secret
- Self control
- Self realization
- Selfish
- Service to God
- Sex
- Shameless people
- Shrewd
- Shrewdness
- Silence
- Sin
- Sinner
- Slavery
- Snake
- Soul
- Speech
- Stingy (see Miser)
- Stories
- Stubborness
- Stupidity
- Success
- Suffering
- Superficial
- Tears
- Temporary pleasures
- Temptation
- Thankful
- Thief
- Think for yourself
- Toleration
- Trap
- Treachery
- Troublemaker
- Trust
- Truthfulness
- Turkish Massacre of Armenians
- Two faced people
- Uncleanliness
- Understanding
- Ungrateful people
- United we stand
- Upset
- Useless Labor
- Vegetarian
- Vetch Hazaria - Six thousand secrets of wisdom
- Vineager
- Virtue
- Vision
- Wealth
- Wife
- Wine
- Wisdom
- Wish
- Wolf
- Women
- Work
- Yearning
Recent Articles
- Let me sacrifice myself for you
- The Prince, the Princess and the lusty guru
- Your desires overstep your sense of honor
- You can’t crush a watermelon in your armpit
- The errors of the fool are lessons for the wise
- If you cut off the tail of the dog, it doesn’t become an innocent lamb
- The poor who wait for the gifts of the rich, will lose the little they have
- Riches for the rich and an asses’ tail for the poor
- Patience and wisdom are destroyed by sorrow
ahnkhehlk kuhlogheen yehrehsen eench guh kahseh kheljuh nehrpanuh
Ignorance is the worst enemy of man. It causes untold suffering that could be avoided by acting with knowledge.The result of knowledge and its correct application in real situations is that people become enthusiastic and hopeful. They see how the material nature is working and by correct action they are able to live without unnecessary suffering to themselves and not causing it to others.
The purpose of all the collective wisdom in the world is to come to knowledge. By such knowledge one can act effectively in this short life to attaining the purpose of man’s existence in this world. We have translated and explained over three hundred proverbs so far. At this point I want to summarize the collective wisdom of our forefathers through the practical use of these proverbs.
1. Ashtuhvadz sheedakeen hehd eh - God is with the righteous
This is the guiding light of knowledge. When a person follows the righteous path as set forth by God Himself in His Holy Word, then one can expect to be protected by the Lord Himeself.
2. Ashdoutzoh bahhadz votchkharuh kayluh choudher
That lamb that God protects no wolf can eat.
How to follow the Word of God and become protected by the Lord is the practical question we must ask and have answered.
Without this knowledge we live a very risky life by which we continually expose ourselves out of ignorance to being punishable by the laws of nature for acts performed out of ignorance of God’s instructions. In the Old Testament, God gave man the Ten Commandments to guide them on the righteous path.“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them.”
“Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that take his name in vain.”
“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.”
“Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God give thee.”
“Thou shalt not kill.”
“Thou shalt not commit adultery.”
“Thou shalt not steal.”
“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”
“Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor’s.”
Of these ten, the one that is being violated without any conscience is “Thou shalt not kill.” Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and nearly all people are killing on a daily basis without reflecting on it. Meat eating, abortion and birth control, hunting, modern warfare where the rules of engagement are not followed, senseless violence in society are means of killing that are daily happening in society. We live in very violent times.
Killing is more than murder. Murder refers to killing human beings. The Bible, however, says “Thou shalt not kill.” This includes animals and all other living things including plants. We should not kill unnecessarily. What is necessary is determined by scripture and not by our whims. During wartime a soldier in the army is given permission to kill enemy fighters. Soldiers are not allowed to kill indiscriminately.
3. Astdoudzoh vaghen eh eemastioutian eeshgeesphuh. Astdoudzoh sehruh eh eemastioutian nebahdahkuh.
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Love of God is the goal of wisdom.
4. Astduhvadzuh mehgh, khoskuh mehgh
As there is only one God, man should have one word. When a person makes a promise, it should be honored without fail. One God, one word.
5. Mahrtuh bahdeevov behdk eh ahpreh
Man should live an honorable life.
Coyoutioun chewnetzogh martoun yerakhaneh
Obviously a man who never existed cannot have a son. There are situations in life where people lie or make up self serving statements to make them appear more than what they are. I once met a lady who claimed to be a member of the Rothchild family. This would make her theoretically a very rich person. Her story was a hoax even though her last name was Rothchild. Not everyone named Rothchild is rich.
There is another Armenian proverb similar in meaning, undessuh des eh yegehr, the blind man has come to see. Both proverbs express an impossible situation that points to some deception.
Chaiut bagheeah
Once I was riding in the back of a van driven by my father. I sat with two of my father’s friends. My father drove fast and the van bounced down the road making our ride very uncomfortable. We were sitting on crates as this was a cargo van. The two elders were talking about politics. During a lull in their conversation, I asked them if they knew when we would arrive at our destination. One of the elder gentlemen said, “Chaiut bagheeuh? Aveli arak keeshehneh der voghormeeahee guh muhnah - Is your tea getting cold? If your Dad drives any faster, then God have mercy will be our only hope.” “Is your tea getting cold,” means are you in such a hurry (you must be thinking your tea is getting cold).
Der voghormyia means God have mercy in Armenian. The proverb “God have mercy will be our only hope” is said when someone feels the situation is hopeless and only the mercy of God will help.