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- Adversity
- Advice
- Alert (for danger)
- Anger
- Animal slaughter
- Anxiety
- Apology
- apricot
- Argue
- Armenian Alphabet
- Armenian Church
- Armenian herbs
- Armenian qualities and character traits
- Armenian Sayings
- Arrogant
- artisan
- Ass
- Association
- Attention
- Bald
- Bible
- Birds
- Blind
- Bravery
- Bribery
- Bride and her wisdom
- Brother
- Camel
- Careful
- Cause and Effect
- Caution
- Character Flaws (Fatal Flaws)
- Charity
- Cheating
- Choose a wife
- Cleaver
- Common Sense
- Compassion
- Con artist
- Conceit
- Convert (Religious)
- Cooperation
- Corruption
- Coward
- Crazy
- critics (criticism)
- Crow
- Curse
- Curse on Armenian People
- Daughter
- Deaf
- Death
- Debt
- Deception
- Desire
- Desperate
- Destiny
- Determination
- Devastation
- Devil
- Disloyal
- Disregard
- Disrespectful
- Dissatisfaction
- disunity
- divided we fall
- Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
- Doctor
- Dog
- Dreams
- Drown
- Eagle
- Education
- Eggs
- Elders
- Eloquence
- Embarrass
- Embarrass
- Enemy
- Envy
- Evil
- Evil Eye
- Exorcism
- Experience
- Expert
- Failure
- Faith
- Fame
- Familarity (breeds contempt)
- Family
- Fasting
- Fate
- Father
- Fault
- Faultfinding
- Fear
- Fight
- Flattery
- Flies
- Flowers
- Follow the crowd
- Food
- Fool
- Foolishness and Blind following
- Foresight
- Forgiveness (Paying For)
- Fortune (see Misfortune)
- Fox (and and his loyal followers)
- Friends
- Fright
- Frugality
- Frustration
- Generosity
- God
- Gold
- Good deeds
- Good wishes
- Gossip
- Greediness
- Guilty
- Gurdjieff sayings
- habit and tendenacy
- Happiness
- Headache
- Health
- Hearing (Learning)
- Heart
- Helpless
- Hesitation
- Home
- Honesty
- Honesty(Honor one's promise)
- Honey
- Honor
- Hope
- Hopeless
- Hovhaness Toumanian
- Human nature
- Humility
- Hunchback
- Ignorance
- Impatience
- Impossibility
- Inattention
- Incompetent
- Incremental
- Ingratitude/Injustice
- Initiative (lack of)
- Insulting phrases
- Intellect
- Intoxication
- Irony
- Jealousy
- Joke
- Judgement
- Justice
- Karma
- Kindness
- Knowledge
- Lateness
- Laughter
- Laziness
- Leader
- Learning (See Hearing)
- Liar
- Lies
- Life
- Lion
- living within one's means
- Love
- Loyalty
- Lust
- Manhood
- Marriage
- Meat (eating)
- Mercy
- Mind
- Miser
- Misery
- Misfortune
- Mistakes
- Money
- Mother
- Nation
- Nature
- Negativity
- Neighbor
- Nemesis
- Nervous
- Non Violence
- Nosey
- Objectivity
- Observation
- Obstruction
- Old age
- One in a thousand
- Oneness (real and false)
- Opinions
- Opportunist
- Parochial
- Patience
- Peer pressure
- persuade
- Pigs
- Politicians
- Poverty
- prayer
- Premonition
- Pretension
- Pride
- Problems
- Protection
- Proverb
- Proverbs
- Prreparation
- Prudent
- Punishment
- Purity
- Ransom
- Rare
- Relationship
- Relatives
- Reputation
- Resentment
- Respect
- Revenge
- Ridicule
- Rogues
- Rooster
- Sacrifice
- Saroyan
- Satan
- Satisfaction
- Science and Religion
- secret
- Self control
- Self realization
- Selfish
- Service to God
- Sex
- Shameless people
- Shrewd
- Shrewdness
- Silence
- Sin
- Sinner
- Slavery
- Snake
- Soul
- Speech
- Stingy (see Miser)
- Stories
- Stubborness
- Stupidity
- Success
- Suffering
- Superficial
- Tears
- Temporary pleasures
- Temptation
- Thankful
- Thief
- Think for yourself
- Toleration
- Trap
- Treachery
- Troublemaker
- Trust
- Truthfulness
- Turkish Massacre of Armenians
- Two faced people
- Uncleanliness
- Understanding
- Ungrateful people
- United we stand
- Upset
- Useless Labor
- Vegetarian
- Vetch Hazaria - Six thousand secrets of wisdom
- Vineager
- Virtue
- Vision
- Wealth
- Wife
- Wine
- Wisdom
- Wish
- Wolf
- Women
- Work
- Yearning
Recent Articles
- Let me sacrifice myself for you
- The Prince, the Princess and the lusty guru
- Your desires overstep your sense of honor
- You can’t crush a watermelon in your armpit
- The errors of the fool are lessons for the wise
- If you cut off the tail of the dog, it doesn’t become an innocent lamb
- The poor who wait for the gifts of the rich, will lose the little they have
- Riches for the rich and an asses’ tail for the poor
- Patience and wisdom are destroyed by sorrow
ahmehn hahdeek mahrkahreet cheh
ahkahehn pahn ouzehluh, chouree metch dzahg pohrehl eh
vahkhgoduh louiyssadeedik dehssneh, hahrah guhdah teh gurrahk gah
jahghahdeen eench behdk eh vohsgee sahnduhr?
juhghjeek yehv koghuh moot keesehr guh seerehn
dzehrougee ahckohv ahghcheek ahr, yehree-dahsahrteen ahckohvuh tzee ahr
mehg kahghak muh gehrtahs, guh dehssnahs vor khuhl-khahrg-nehruh dzour yehn tuhrehrr, toun ahl dzour teehr
mehmuh nohr douneen, mehmuh nohr hahrsin
ahmehn ohr mehg mehg pahn muh guh bahksin -
gouiyreen inch eh teh mohmuh tahng eh
meghoun chee muhnahr pehtakeen metch uur megheer chee gah
hahrssuh chee muhnahr aiyhn douhnuh uur tuhrahm (pogh) chee gah -
ahstvahdz mehg tuhruh guh pahgeh, hahzahr tuhruh guh patzeh
pahree martoun seeduh yehv dzohvoun ahntountuh, yehrgooshsnahl mehz hamar chahpehn ahveli khorh yehn
eench dahss hohkout, ehn gehrtah ahrehvout
Literally this proverb says, “What you give to your soul, goes to your sun.” Goes to your “sun” in Armenian implies “makes your life and destiny better.” The sun is the source of light. Knowledge comes from the light of God’s words. There is a play of words in English and Armenian when one refers to the sun. One can say in English that the similarity in the pronunciation of sun and son implies that the sun is a metaphor for Jesus Christ, the son of God. And in Armenian, the implication is that light emanates from the sun as Jesus came from God as His son to enlighten the world. Therefore, we can say that man’s destiny and eternal life is related to the sun (ahrehv in Armenian) which symbolically points to Christ the source of light for mankind. This is demonstrated by the Armenian sharaghan or holy chant that says ahrekaguhn ahrtahr ahrehv louiyss dzakyia/ pughouhm ee hohreh/ pughyia ee hohkoiyss/ pahn kehzz ee hahjouyss which means The sun has risen and lighted the firmament (implies Jesus has arisen from the dead to spread light) and we (as souls) have all come from God to serve and please Him (following Jesus).
eench vohr tzahngahss eenz hahmahr, ahstvahdz tzahngah kehz hahmahr
vohr chouruh zeehss guh khuhteh, yehss ahnohr dzohv guhsehm